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  • Writer's picturePhalon C.

Leviathan's Breath, How Soon Until Nerf?

Leviathan's Breath was released last Tuesday (Oct. 21st), and already it is making an impact on Destiny 2 players. The weapon itself is achievable from a mission by Banshee, one of the NPC vendors and weaponsmith from the Destiny 2 game. In less than a week, it has already become infamous. The Heavy Bow has an intense knockback rate, while using a one-shot kill on any Guardian in Crucible or Gambit. Now, there appears to be a demand to nerf the weapon.

The combat bow is simple to use. All you need to do is point, hold, and shoot. It is easier than using a sniper rifle. The problem that most people are having right now is that while devastating in PvE, it easily devastates PvP. In comparison of hit points, Guardians have a much lower number than the enemies they face. So the damage a Guardian would take in Gambit or Crucible wouldn't put much of a dent in powerful enemies in the PvE side.

With this unhappiness from players, will Bungie nerf the bow. If they do, what will it look like then? Many times when they nerf a weapon, the exotic weapon becomes a glorified legendary weapon. One weapon who received such treatment was The Whisper of The Worm. It only recently entered back into relevancy.

So the question remains--when will they nerf the Heavy Bow? I imagine with the discontent of many of their player base, it will be shortly. After all, Bungie has shown a willingness to listen to its players and fix problems their Players find with the game. Let us hope that within the next month we will see some changes with this weapon that will satisfy everyone.

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